This project aims to convert the steel structure originally used as bathrooms in the European Gaza Hospital into medical laboratory storage. This project includes dismantling wooden and aluminum partitions and organizing the space according to the requirements for storing medical and laboratory supplies. The space will be equipped with iron and wood shelves, and maintenance work will be done on the flooring, including installing new lighting and widening the entrances to accommodate the size of the stored materials.
1. Establishing a suitable storage environment that enhances the quality of storage for medical and laboratory materials. 2. Reducing pressure on existing laboratory storage and providing a more adequate alternative. 3. Facilitating the work of staff in the targeted sections through improved storage and dispensing processes. 4. Supporting the continuity of operations at medical centers by ensuring the availability of necessary supplies. 5. Safeguarding laboratory materials and supplies by providing a storage area that meets operational demands and importance.
500,000 People